


Women face mansplaining 312 times a year at work. We can all take note from the cringeworthy viral video where a female PGA Professional was given some unwanted advice at a driving range. For context, this is Georgia Bell, an elite PGA golfer, and the man giving advice has “played for 20 years.” It encapsulates […]

The Blessing and Curse of Resilience

The Blessing and Curse of Resilience

A simple reminder on resilience. Two things can be true:  When leaders constantly operate in an emotionally overdrawn state, the cost is their resilience, risk of burnout, and diminished effectiveness. Changing the systems that require resilience Rather than focusing solely on building resilience, there’s a need to change the systems that demand it. Leaders often find […]

Transformational Leadership: What is it, and how can it help to lead a more balanced life?

Transformational Leadership: What is it, and how can it help to lead a more balanced life?

Transformational Leadership: A Path to Balanced Success Leaders often find themselves running on empty, caught in a cycle of stress, long hours, and personal sacrifice. Living this way –  deep in their emotional overdraft – is all too common among business owners and leaders who have become accustomed to overcoming challenges at the expense of their […]

Watch: Consent, it’s as simple as a cup of tea.

Watch: Consent, it’s as simple as a cup of tea.

This animation from Thames Valley Police is a whole lot of genius. Slightly different from my usual content but so worthy of a watch and a share 👇

10 Signs You’re Addicted to Stress

10 Signs You’re Addicted to Stress

There’s a difference between occasionally feeling stressed and being addicted to stress. Growing up in a chaotic environment, where stress and instability are the norm, or spending a significant amount of time in highly stressful work/home environments can condition your body to crave the chemicals released during stress. As adults, we may not even realise we’re addicted to this survival mode. Here are ten signs that you’re addicted to stress:

The 12 Stages of Burnout: A Guide for Leaders

The 12 Stages of Burnout: A Guide for Leaders

Burnout is the result of being in a constantly emotionally overdrawn state, but how can you spot the signs before things get too far gone?

Psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North outlined the 12 stages of burnout, which can give you an idea of where you stand. Take a look, how many apply to you?:

“For A Leader” by J. O’Donohue

“For A Leader” by J. O’Donohue

May you have the grace and wisdomTo act kindly, learningTo distinguish between what isPersonal and what is notMay you be hospitable to criticismMay you never put yourself at the center of thingsMay you act not from arrogance but out of serviceMay you work on yourselfBuilding up and refining the ways of your mindMay those who […]

6 D’s Framework – how to prioritise tasks that need you attention (and protect your energy) 

6 D’s Framework – how to prioritise tasks that need you attention (and protect your energy) 

Managing your emotional overdraft has a lot to do with making sure you are prioritising the things that matter paying attention to tasks that feel like they’re moving you closer to important work/life goals. When it comes to productivity, one of the most essential skills to master is prioritisation. It’s not just about managing time, […]

It’s about Energy Management, not Time Management

It’s about Energy Management, not Time Management

Energy acts as the driving force that moves us forward, yet it varies significantly throughout the day. These ebbs and flows in energy significantly impact how efficiently we use our time.

What if you were the only person left on Earth?

What if you were the only person left on Earth?

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Drive to Abundance (@drivetoabundance) What is you woke up one day and you were the only person left on Earth? What would you change?  It’s amazing how much we acquire and want only to impress other people.  A fantastic thought from Derren Brown, and one that […]

Sarah’s Story. Is there an invisible line in your P&L statement?

Sarah’s Story. Is there an invisible line in your P&L statement?

Take a look at your own business. Could there be a hidden cost line in your P&L? One that represents the personal price you paid when you took on the client work yourself? When you knew you needed that new hire but decided to put extra pressure on existing teams instead? 

Bloopers – The Emotional Overdraft Audiobook

Bloopers – The Emotional Overdraft Audiobook

Over the past few months, I’ve spent about 30 hours recording The Emotional Overdraft audiobook. Needless to say, I’ve never recorded a book before, and as part of the process, my audiobook editor provided me with a simple handheld clicker. Every time I made a mistake, wanted to rerecord a sentence, or was rudely interrupted, […]

When the applause dies, who do you remember?

When the applause dies, who do you remember?

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money … or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.

Set up  red team. Here’s why…

Set up red team. Here’s why…

The Concept of a ‘red team’ is essentially a group tasked with a singular, intriguing mission: to design a hypothetical competitor capable of outperforming or even obliterating the current organisation.

The Long Game. Lessons in Leadership from CEO of Brighton & Hove Albion FC, Paul Barber’s 

The Long Game. Lessons in Leadership from CEO of Brighton & Hove Albion FC, Paul Barber’s 

There’s a ‘touch’ of football chat here but stick with me. As stories go, CEO of Brighton & Hove Albion FC Paul Barber’s is a compelling one. As a leadership coach and author, (and a lifelong Brighton fan) I find Paul’s journey inspiring but also rich with lessons for leaders and founders. His career underscores […]

The Illusion of Success: Success – happiness = success = happiness

The Illusion of Success: Success – happiness = success = happiness

“An extra special type of tragedy, a tragedy that unfolds while everyone cheers.”

As leaders, founders, and entrepreneurs, most of us recognise that we are conditioned to fear insufficiency, driven by societal accolades for success.