5 lessons from the longest human study on health and happiness
Powerful Lessons on Health & Happiness – a great little share from Lewis Howes on Instagram:
15 TED Talks on Emotional Intelligence (with links)
I know it’s often difficult to fit extra reads, watches or listens to an already packed day, but these 15 TEDTalks on YouTube are great if you’re after a little dose of self-development each week. Thanks to David McLean who shared the list on LinkedIn, and thank you to positive psychology blogger, Kelly Miller for […]
Friday ponder… If all jobs paid the same, what would you be doing?
Imagine a world where every job, from teacher to tech mogul, offers the same salary. What career would you choose? I don’t have the answer to this one, but it’s a scenario that invites us to reflect on our true passions and motivations. Follow your passion Without financial pressure, many would likely pursue their true […]
Feeling Stuck? Ask “what can we do?”
Reframe your challenges and find solutions. You’ve hit a wall. Maybe you had an idea, but it won’t work. You asked for something but were rejected. You tried something, and it failed. The problem is, that often when we imagine how we’ll get something, we start to think it’s the only way to get something. I was inspired by […]
How to Spot if You’re Overworking
I was recently asked by a client, “How can I tell when working hard turns into overworking? What are the signs?”. I’ve seen countless leaders struggle with this challenge – myself included – attempting to balance the fine line between healthy ambition and overwork. And time and again I’ve seen the scales tip into the […]
Children and their curious questions – a lesson for leaders
As a child, I was profoundly influenced by Carl Sagan. His book Cosmos was a constant companion, full of incredible ideas. Sagan, more than just an astronomer, was a philosopher who understood the importance of wonder and curiosity, especially in children. This short video – and the extra excerpt from Carl below it is an incredibly valuable […]
What you choose to focus on, will grow. Attention is powerful.
The power of focus cannot be overstated. The idea that “what you choose to focus on will grow” is much more than just a motivational, cheesy slogan; it’s rooted in the very fabric of how our brains operate. Our brains are incredibly adept at supporting and amplifying whatever we pay attention to, be it love, […]
The Silent Pandemic: Burnout
I hungrily demolish articles (often written by those much more clever than myself) on the impact living in an emotional overdraft has on business leaders. I loved this article on LinkedIn from Chen Hascalovitz, a PhD candidate in Population Health, who is brilliant at addressing the complex challenges at the intersection of economic policy and mental […]
The 20% Rule: Reclaim your time and energy
I recently took on a PA (Hello brilliant JJ!). Over the last few weeks I’ve spoken about her involvement going forward with my clients and other people in my life. The reaction has been interesting.
High Performance Anxiety – Five Signs of Functional Freeze
Functional freeze is particularly prevalent among those with high-functioning anxiety. These individuals often seem calm and efficient but are battling significant internal stress. Here are five signs that you, or someone you know, might be experiencing functional freeze