Take the FREE Emotional Overdraft Self Assessment
What’s the extent of your emotional overdraft?
Take our FREE self-assessment to find out the drivers, thinking and behaviours that impact your personal emotional overdraft.
How to fill in and track the result of your personal emotional overdraft assessment:

- Your free emotional overdraft self-assessment is at the bottom of this page.
- Answer the questions relating to how you think about your business. It’s likely you don’t feel the same way about each question every day but simply Give yourself two points if a question applies to you some or all of the time, and one point if it rarely or never does. Try not to overthink the process; it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes.
- Submit your answers and wait for your free personalised emotional overdraft results - these will also be emailed to you
Thank you for filling in your emotional overdraft self assessment
Below, you’ll find a summary of your results, including a chart highlighting where you score on the ten drivers of an emotional overdraft. This chart can serve as a powerful reflective tool. I encourage you to download the image and revisit it from time to time as you navigate your leadership journey.
To receive these results on email please click the button below.