Emotions can sometimes feel like an unwelcome intrusion.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that only positive emotions are valid, while negative ones should be suppressed or ignored. But what if we viewed emotions not as something to be feared, but as vital sources of information?
The idea that ‘you are not your emotions; you are the one who feels them’ is a powerful reminder of the separation between our true selves and the waves of emotion that move through us. The term “emotion” itself, derived from “energy in motion,” suggests that these feelings are dynamic, fluid, and transient. They do not define us; rather, they are energies that flow through us, carrying with them valuable insights and messages.
This Instagram post from @itsnicolebrennan is a great reminder 👇

Often, it’s the uncomfortable emotions—the ones we’ve been taught to resist—that hold the most significant information. From a young age, many of us are conditioned to believe that expressing or even feeling negative emotions is wrong. We are encouraged to be “good” girls and boys, to smile and stay positive, regardless of what we may be feeling inside. This cultural conditioning teaches us to suppress our true feelings, leading to a disconnection from our emotional selves.
But what if we were to pause and reconsider our approach to these so-called “negative” emotions? Instead of pushing them away, we could embrace them, listen to them, and learn from them.
Try this:
The next time you find yourself feeling uncomfortable, try to take a moment to stop and tune in to that feeling. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask the emotion, “What are you trying to tell me?”
This simple act of turning inward can be transformative. By acknowledging and exploring our emotions rather than running from them, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of our true needs and desires. Each emotion, no matter how uncomfortable, has a message to convey. Whether it’s pointing to an unmet need, a boundary that has been crossed, or a longing that has gone unfulfilled, our emotions are guiding us toward a more authentic and fulfilling life. Tapping into your emotions is essential if you want to stay out of your emotional overdraft.
So, the next time you experience an uncomfortable emotion, resist the urge to push it aside. Instead, invite it in, listen to it, and see what it has to say. You may be surprised by the wisdom it has to offer. Emotions are not the enemy; they are our allies on the journey toward self-awareness and growth. Embrace them, and let them guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself.
Hope this helps,