The Resentment Letter: why writing it can help you heal

I’m no therapist, but I do know that everyone – to my knowledge – has experienced resentment. That burning sense of frustration when someone we care about falls short of our expectations.  The challenge with resentment, however, is that it tends to build up. When left unaddressed, it transforms into contempt, which can corrode our […]

The Power of Listening to Your Emotions

In my experience as a coach, and through the research for my book, there’s one thing that is abundantly clear: many leaders and high achievers push themselves into emotional overdraft by ignoring or even outright dismissing their emotions. We’ve been taught to ‘power through’, to keep a stiff upper lip, to ‘just get to the […]

When did you first join LinkedIn? Here’s how to find out…

How long have you been building connections? LinkedIn was founded in 2003 with 10 users. By 2004 it had 100k and by 2009 there were a staggering 17 million users!  If you’re curious to see how long you’ve been part of LinkedIn then here’s a simple way to check: I was 2007 by the way – […]

Why Work-Life Balance is a Myth – here’s why…

Everyone talks about work-life balance as if it’s a magic formula. Prioritise it, and everything will fall into place. Scott Carpet wrote an excellent Linkedin post challenging this traditional mindset, and it really struck a chord with me. I’ve been thinking about his points, and I want to expand on them and bring in my own experience—particularly […]

Papa’s Tomato Garden – One of my favourite stories…

Is necessity really the mother of invention?  Do difficult situations inspire ingenious solutions?  Can constraints foster creativity? The below is one of my favourite stories for highlighting creative responses to challenging situations. It’s an oldie, but a goodie. An old Italian lived alone in New Jersey.  He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it […]

Be assertive, not aggressive. Practical steps to build assertiveness…

Navigating difficult conversations without causing conflict is an essential skill, but it’s easier said than done. I read a piece from Team Sterka – a business that supercharges client interactions through their People Skills As A Service® programme – that struck a chord.  They said: be assertive, but don’t be aggressive. This simple yet powerful distinction is especially important in situations […]

Energy in Motion – Learning to Listen to What Our Feelings Are Telling Us

Emotions can sometimes feel like an unwelcome intrusion.  We’ve been conditioned to believe that only positive emotions are valid, while negative ones should be suppressed or ignored. But what if we viewed emotions not as something to be feared, but as vital sources of information?  The idea that ‘you are not your emotions; you are […]

Milestones: The Silent Architects of Business Success

As leaders, ensuring that our projects progress as expected hinges on setting clear, measurable milestones. Without these markers, we risk relying on hope rather than strategy, which is far from ideal. Milestones offer us the assurance that we’re on the right track and allow us to manage projects with confidence. It’s like building a house […]