Resist-mas: a survival guide for the season (and the start of 2025)
For everyone who already knows they’ll be clinging to their sanity by a fraying thread come mid-December, this article is for you. Resist-mas is my rallying cry for those who’d rather not roll into the Christmas hols with nerves stretched as tight as overstuffed stockings. Here’s my advice on resisting ending the year deep in […]
Friday ponder… If all jobs paid the same, what would you be doing?
Imagine a world where every job, from teacher to tech mogul, offers the same salary. What career would you choose? I don’t have the answer to this one, but it’s a scenario that invites us to reflect on our true passions and motivations. Follow your passion Without financial pressure, many would likely pursue their true […]
The Silent Pandemic: Burnout
I hungrily demolish articles (often written by those much more clever than myself) on the impact living in an emotional overdraft has on business leaders. I loved this article on LinkedIn from Chen Hascalovitz, a PhD candidate in Population Health, who is brilliant at addressing the complex challenges at the intersection of economic policy and mental […]
The 20% Rule: Reclaim your time and energy
I recently took on a PA (Hello brilliant JJ!). Over the last few weeks I’ve spoken about her involvement going forward with my clients and other people in my life. The reaction has been interesting.
The 12 Stages of Burnout: A Guide for Leaders
Burnout is the result of being in a constantly emotionally overdrawn state, but how can you spot the signs before things get too far gone?
Psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North outlined the 12 stages of burnout, which can give you an idea of where you stand. Take a look, how many apply to you?:
6 D’s Framework – how to prioritise tasks that need you attention (and protect your energy)
Managing your emotional overdraft has a lot to do with making sure you are prioritising the things that matter paying attention to tasks that feel like they’re moving you closer to important work/life goals. When it comes to productivity, one of the most essential skills to master is prioritisation. It’s not just about managing time, […]
Sarah’s Story. Is there an invisible line in your P&L statement?
Take a look at your own business. Could there be a hidden cost line in your P&L? One that represents the personal price you paid when you took on the client work yourself? When you knew you needed that new hire but decided to put extra pressure on existing teams instead?
The Illusion of Success: Success – happiness = success = happiness
“An extra special type of tragedy, a tragedy that unfolds while everyone cheers.”
As leaders, founders, and entrepreneurs, most of us recognise that we are conditioned to fear insufficiency, driven by societal accolades for success.
Could there be a hidden cost line in your P&L
Sarah is in her annual P&L meeting. She’s running a high growth business and in the last 12 months, she’s not only made a healthy profit, she’s also a full year ahead on where she’d planned to be on her 5-year growth plan. Cue fanfare. From afar, we’d surely expect Sarah to be ecstatic. This […]
Flapping like a plastic bag in the wind
Not long ago I received a somewhat frantic text from a client. ‘I really need to chat’. I jumped on Zoom with him and his second in command, and as soon as you could say ‘audio connected’, he began to rattle off his concerns. ‘Work is slipping!’, he raged, ‘mistakes are being made!’, ‘the team […]