Motivating Change in the Workplace

Imagine a workplace where everyone did what you needed them to do, without the need for micro-management and prodding. Even better, picture employees doing these things because they genuinely want to, not because they have to!  As leaders, our goal is to create an environment where motivation thrives naturally. And it’s achievable reality through understanding […]

Core Requirements: The Edge of Tactical and Technical Proficiency

Leaders often hear about the importance of being visionary, charismatic, and inspiring. While these traits are valuable, they must be built on a solid foundation of tactical and technical proficiency. Before anything else, you need to be mentally, tactically, and technically proficient. Without this core foundation, everything else is pointless. The idea of being “fit […]

Watch: The Truth about Feeling Triggered

Gabor is always a source of great inspiration. This short over on Instagram is a great reminder as to what’s going on when you feel ‘triggered’. WATCH THE VIDEO, HERE.

How to Spot if You’re Overworking

I was recently asked by a client, “How can I tell when working hard turns into overworking? What are the signs?”. I’ve seen countless leaders struggle with this challenge – myself included – attempting to balance the fine line between healthy ambition and overwork. And time and again I’ve seen the scales tip into the […]

Happiness is fleeting. Search for fulfilment instead.

I loved this article from boosst on the pursuit of fulfilment rather than happiness. Such a lovely idea that can really help to manage emotional overdraft too. It inspired me to give the two a little more thought. Happiness is often a fleeting state of pleasure, sparked by moments like enjoying a meal or laughing […]

Leadership, more than just ‘telling people what to do’

I saw this image on pm.leadership on Instagram and it got me thinking about another great article on what leadership really means by Otti Vogt on Medium: “The leader who points the finger is not a hero, because you’re not looking at him or her, and neither at their finger, you’re not trying to be […]

The bit between your teeth. 

“There’s no point in me having the bit between my teeth for the other person, I need to be passed to them.” This quote, from Derek Clark, a well-known swimming coach, got me thinking.  The more I thought about it, the more I realised this statement carries an important lesson for leaders (me included!). How […]

Children and their curious questions – a lesson for leaders

As a child, I was profoundly influenced by Carl Sagan. His book Cosmos was a constant companion, full of incredible ideas. Sagan, more than just an astronomer, was a philosopher who understood the importance of wonder and curiosity, especially in children. This short video – and the extra excerpt from Carl below it is an incredibly valuable […]

What you choose to focus on, will grow. Attention is powerful.

The power of focus cannot be overstated. The idea that “what you choose to focus on will grow” is much more than just a motivational, cheesy slogan; it’s rooted in the very fabric of how our brains operate. Our brains are incredibly adept at supporting and amplifying whatever we pay attention to, be it love, […]

The Silent Pandemic: Burnout 

I hungrily demolish articles (often written by those much more clever than myself) on the impact living in an emotional overdraft has on business leaders. I loved this article on LinkedIn from Chen Hascalovitz, a PhD candidate in Population Health, who is brilliant at addressing the complex challenges at the intersection of economic policy and mental […]