100 Days to Christmas 2024: A Challenge to Reinvigorate Your Team and Reduce Emotional Overdraft

September 16th marks 100 days until Christmas. But instead of worrying about how quickly the year has flown by, let’s reframe this milestone. Consider it three months of potential—a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact on your business and alleviate the emotional overdraft within your team. This year, I challenge you and your team […]
5 lessons from the longest human study on health and happiness

Powerful Lessons on Health & Happiness – a great little share from Lewis Howes on Instagram:
Perfection is impossible – lessons from Federer

“Perfection is impossible. Throughout my career, I played 1,526 singles matches and won nearly 80% of them. But do you know how many points I actually won? Just 54%. That’s right, even at the highest level of tennis, players win just over half the points they play. This teaches you an important lesson: you can’t […]
Bad Habits. 13 Things to Give Up

When you’re feeling stressed, anxious or somewhat overwhelmed, it can be hard to know where to start. This list of ’13 things you should give up’ is as good a starting place as any. Choose one, practice it, make it a habit. Then choose another, and repeat. Small, simple (not easy) incremental changes that have […]
Stop Stressing: The Hidden Cost of Deferred Tasks and How to Beat It

Chris Williamson shared an insightful concept on The Diary of a CEO podcast that speaks directly to the challenges many leaders face today. He introduced the idea of a “stress cost” that arises when we defer tasks. According to Williamson, when we postpone an activity, it doesn’t simply vanish; it lingers in our minds, becoming a constant […]
Resilient businesses don’t just bounce back from challenges, they bounce forward

I’ve spent years helping leaders navigate the complexities of organisational resilience. I even write a book that is, at its core, about helping leaders to become more resilient – or avoid demising their resilience. When I came across this article by Dana Maor, Michael Park, and Brooke Weddle from McKinsey & Company titled “Raising the […]
15 TED Talks on Emotional Intelligence (with links)

I know it’s often difficult to fit extra reads, watches or listens to an already packed day, but these 15 TEDTalks on YouTube are great if you’re after a little dose of self-development each week. Thanks to David McLean who shared the list on LinkedIn, and thank you to positive psychology blogger, Kelly Miller for […]
Friday ponder… If all jobs paid the same, what would you be doing?

Imagine a world where every job, from teacher to tech mogul, offers the same salary. What career would you choose? I don’t have the answer to this one, but it’s a scenario that invites us to reflect on our true passions and motivations. Follow your passion Without financial pressure, many would likely pursue their true […]
Feeling Stuck? Ask “what can we do?”

Reframe your challenges and find solutions. You’ve hit a wall. Maybe you had an idea, but it won’t work. You asked for something but were rejected. You tried something, and it failed. The problem is, that often when we imagine how we’ll get something, we start to think it’s the only way to get something. I was inspired by […]
4 sentences that will change your life

Incredible wisdom in just four sentences. Worth a read… Read them again. Incredible wisdom in just four sentences. Worth a read…