When Secret Leader’s podcast host Dan Murray-Serter told me that I’d need to prep one of my biggest failures to share with the world, I’ll be honest and say I almost backed out. Almost. It remains – for me – a very vulnerable 14 minute share around a time when things were not good. So ‘not good’ in fact, that I found myself on a Ferry to France rather than in a a client meeting. Missing out on my son’s early months and lying to myself and my team.
Yes, I did learn lots from it, but yes, it’s still a little excruciating to recount.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/my-favourite-failure-make-yourself-redundant-andy-brown/id1229438369?i=1000657284538
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/52EOAl9nnk4CShnwDQhq2P?si=8d7c21df4b5c4ccb