When the applause dies, who do you remember?

The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money … or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.
The Meeting Effectiveness Diary – an exercise

I’m stating the obvious when I say that most leaders and founders find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of meetings crowding their schedules. Often hitting ‘accept’ simply because that chunk of time isn’t currently filled with something else. And yet, time is our most precious commodity, bar none. Are you attending because you don’t […]
Trust is a truly virtuous circle

Trusting people (or not trusting them as the case may be) is a common trait among leaders. Often to do with assuming people can’t perform tasks competently without them, a lack of trust leads to constantly worrying about whether work is being done to your standards, juggling too many balls, working late every night, and […]