100 days to Christmas – a challenge that will energise your team

September 16th marks 100 days until Christmas. This isn’t one of those ‘bloody hell where did the year go’ articles – rather a reframe to say, “that’s three months during which we can really make a difference to our business” I’d like to challenge you and your team (as I have already challenged my own […]

Could there be a hidden cost line in your P&L

Sarah is in her annual P&L meeting. She’s running a high growth business and in the last 12 months, she’s not only made a healthy profit, she’s also a full year ahead on where she’d planned to be on her 5-year growth plan. Cue fanfare. From afar, we’d surely expect Sarah to be ecstatic. This […]

Flapping like a plastic bag in the wind

Not long ago I received a somewhat frantic text from a client. ‘I really need to chat’. I jumped on Zoom with him and his second in command, and as soon as you could say ‘audio connected’, he began to rattle off his concerns. ‘Work is slipping!’, he raged, ‘mistakes are being made!’, ‘the team […]

Trust is a truly virtuous circle

Trusting people (or not trusting them as the case may be) is a common trait among leaders. Often to do with assuming people can’t perform tasks competently without them, a lack of trust leads to constantly worrying about whether work is being done to your standards, juggling too many balls, working late every night, and […]