Side with the person, not the problem. Three pivot types of feedback and how to deliver them

Anyone who knows me will also know I’m passionate about the potential delivering feedback has for enhancing personal growth and building a culture of continuous improvement. When you approach feedback with empathy and a deliberate, constructive mindset, enabling individuals and teams to thrive in challenging environments becomes second nature, and it can work wonders. Recently […]

Watch: The Chinese Farmer Story

Good news? Bad news? who knows? I love this Chinese Farmer story, a perfect example of a rolling reframe. Not blind optimism or being unrealistic – just a knowledge that what seems to be real today might not be tomorrow. A great watch.

Audio: What exactly IS an ’emotional overdraft’?

You’ve heard me speak on about it for a long time now, but in its simplest terms, what exactly do i mean when I talk about your ’emotional overdraft’? I decided to record a really short audio to talk you through it. Have a listen below 👇

Audio: Red Friday – business leaders face peak ‘emotional overdraft’ 

Business owners and leaders are facing their toughest month of the year with a maxed out “emotional overdraft” according to leadership coach and author, Andy Brown. On top of the post-Christmas financial strain we all face, entrepreneurs are grappling with demanding clients in a hurry to catch up after the holiday, reduced capacity, peak staff […]

Watch: “We do no client work in December”

Josh explains that every December, boosst – a financial planning firm – consciously stops doing client work, instead reserving the month for internal reflection, planning, and team activities.

Advice: Five Steps to a Better Life

5 ways to live a better life

I often come across nuggets of wisdom, but sometimes the most simple advice is the stuff that sticks. I was reminded this week of an end-of-term letter by Richard Cairns, the head at my old school in Brighton. The advice was around some research from Oxford University on 5 ways to live a better life. […]

100 days to Christmas – a challenge that will energise your team

September 16th marks 100 days until Christmas. This isn’t one of those ‘bloody hell where did the year go’ articles – rather a reframe to say, “that’s three months during which we can really make a difference to our business” I’d like to challenge you and your team (as I have already challenged my own […]